
Baeldung has posted a tutorial on Jackson, describing how to map JSON property names in “snake case” - i.e., first_name - to “camel case,” or firstName. There are a few different ways to address such naming conversions, ranging from modifying the entity at the field level, or class level, or even configuring the Jackson ObjectMapper class.
Someone recently mentioned Layrry, which is “a launcher and Java API for executing modularized Java applications.” From the github page: “It allows to assemble modularized applications based on Maven artifact coordinates of the (modular) JARs to include. Layrry utilizes the Java Module System’s notion of module layers, allowing multiple versions of one module to be used within an application at the same time, as well as dynamically adding and removing modules at application runtime.”
From our friends at, we have “String.format() 3x faster in Java 17”, a post that shows how, for simple cases, String.format() is much faster than it used to be.
Github user Joel Jeremy Marquez has announced externalized-properties for the JVM, an externalized property configuration library. It provides annotations by which you indicate that a property is resolved from an external source, conforming to the Twelve Factor Methodology’s configuration mandates.
The Hibernate team announced the release of Hibernate Reactive 1.0.0.Final on October 27, 2021, which gives applications using reactive architecture access to non-blocking object-relational access. They also wrote a fascinating blog entry, “Hibernate Reactive: Is It Worth It?.”
Julia Evans has an interesting article, called “Teaching by Filling in Knowledge Gaps.” It talks about the process of learning for a lot of programmers, and how they teach other developers, and (possibly) a better, more humane, more effective approach.
This site tends to point out articles hosted by Medium fairly explicitly. The reason is simple: Medium is paywalled, and they don’t make it easy to determine as a paying customer whether an article is paywalled or not. They promote paywalled articles fairly heavily (again, this is their profit model), so there’s a tendency for this site to see paywalled articles more often than not.